Biologic Width Violation

The concept of Biologic Width has been widely described by periodontists and restorative dentists. An adequate understanding of relationship
between .... by A Parashar · Cited by 10 — Violation of biologic width leads to complications like gingival inflammation and alveolar bone loss. This
article discusses various methods for biologic width .... by M Aishwarya · 2015 · Cited by 6 — Violation of
the biologic width - leads to ultimate failure of the restoration. Encroachment of biologic width becomes of particular concern when .... Biologic width is the natural distance between the base of the gingival sulcus (G) and the height of
the alveolar bone (I). The gingival sulcus (G) is a small crevice .... If the
margin is painful to probe, is within 2 mm of the bone when measuring it, or
on a radiograph, you probably have a biologic width violation, and the only thing​ .... by P Selvan · Cited by 2 — and it's importance in implants and restorative dentistry.
Key words: Biological width, periodontium, margin placement, violation of biological .... Mar 16, 2019 — violation of biologic width and its relationship to periodontal health and restorative dentistry. Keywords: Biologic width, Crown lengthening, .... Feb 24, 2021 — Let's violate biologic width and see what happens · #18 has deep cervical decay
at the distal · All decay has been removed · A bone chisel was .... by BAS Carvalho · 2020 · Cited by 5 — The biologic
width is defined as the coronal dimension to the alveolar bone that is occupied by healthy gingival tissue. The objective of the .... The biologic width is the distance established from the junctional epithelium and connective tissue attachment to the root surface of a tooth. This is
also described​ ... 420b4ec2cf